Minggu, 17 Juni 2012

Membuat Genteng dengan Vray 1.49 Sketchup

Pertama jadikan bentuk atap menjadi component..

2.Gunakan material diffuse ini...

3.Buka Material Editor dan centang Displacement, ubah nilainya menjadi 4.0 

4.klik kotak M yang di displacement...ganti None menjadi TexBitmap dan klik kotak file untuk memasukan material displacement...dan klik ok..

Test Render........

Sabtu, 16 Juni 2012

BootCamp Assistant

Untuk Membuat 2 OS di Mac caranya sangat mudah :
1. Klik Gambar kaca pembesar di sudut kanan atas desktop dan ketik Boot Camp Assistant
2. Buka BootCamp Assistant dan akan muncul gambar
3. Klik Continue dan akan muncul gambar
4. Sesuaikan ukuran Gb dengan kebutuhan anda dan jika ingin ukuran Gb imbang Klik Devide Equally dan klik Partition
5. Masukkan cd windows ( DVD INTALL )
6. dan isntal windows seperti biasa
7. Setelah windows terisntal masukkan cd bawaannya laptop  ( Mac OS X Intall DVD )
8. Setelah cd dimasukkan dia akan terintal sendiri
9. Setelah terinstall semua
10. Untuk pindah OS dari Windows Ke Mac restart laptop anda dan tahan tombol option/alt sampai muncul gambar di bawah ini
11. Pilih OS yang anda ingin gunakan dan tekan enter/return
Jika anda masih bingung pada penjelasan di atas lihat aja di youtube klik di sini untuk melihat video instal bootcamp

Senin, 04 Juni 2012

Rectangular light for cove ceiling in vray sketchup 1.49

Tips: Rectangular light for cove ceiling in vray sketchup 1.49
Tips: Menggunakan Rectangular light pada cove ceiling di vray sketchup 1.49


Please refer to the picture and read the following numbers
1. in this case, we make cove ceiling rectangularly, means, 4 internal side. Put 1 vray rectangular light in 1 side, make it a component, then copy and paste to another 3 parts of cove ceiling. so, totally there is 4 number lights but its all is a component. Why component? because this will make you easier to edit the parameter of these light. You edit 1 light, the rest will follow.

2. right click on one of component light you've created, choose menu "Vray-for-sketcup -> Edit Light", there is a dialog, change the color of the light.

3. the default value is 1, this is a value for intensity of your light. This value depend on your scene, higher value will produce brighter scene. So, feel free to try some values. This scene i use 50 and its enough for me.

4. "Invisible" means the light will only showing its shine. Don't check this if you want to show the shape of your light. But, in this case, i prefer to set to invisible. No one will look trough the inside of your cove ceiling right?

5. subdiv, this is the softness of the light shadows, default is 8, the more value will produce the shadow more smooth but will increase your render time. So, a value 12 to 32 is enough. I am not recommended you to set more than 32, based on my experience.

6. render, and you can see the result. Trial and error will needed to get the better or the best you are satisfiying.


Silahkan lihat pada gambar dan ikuti langkah sesuai dengan penomeran yang tertera.
1. Pada kasus ini, cove light yang kita bikin adalah berbentuk segi empat, mengingat banyak cove light yang non segi empat. Cove ini ada 4 sisi (lubang/celah). Buat 1 vray rectangular light, letakkan di salah satu sisi, lalu group menjadi sebuah component. Lalu, copy dan paste component ini ke sisi yang lain, sehingga total ada 4 component. Mengapa component? karena bila kita menggunakan component, maka saat kita edit 1 light, maka yang lain akan secara otomatis terupdate, sehingga kerja kita jadi lebih cepat.

2. Masuk ke component itu, klik kanan dan pilih menu "Vray-for-sketcup -> Edit Light", maka akan muncul dialog parameter, ubah warna sesuai yang diinginkan.

3. Value default adalah 1. Value ini merupakan tingkat intensitas cahaya lampu, semakin tinggi nilainya, maka lampu berpendar semakin terang. Value ini tidak mutlak nilainya, sehingga nilai nya tergantung pada kondisi scene anda. Cobalah masukkan mulai dari 10, 20, dst sampai anda temukan nilai yang pas.

4. "Invisible" bila dicentang, maka light tersebut hanya memendarkan cahaya tanpa terlihat bentuk rectangular nya. Untuk kasus tertentu, kadang anda ingin memperlihatkan bentuk shape light nya, tapi untuk kasus cove light ini, saya rasa tidak perlu, jadi saya centang invisible nya.

5. subdiv, adalah tingkat kehalusan shadow/bayangan, makin tinggi nilai, maka makin halus shadow anda tapi akan menyebabkan render time jadi membengkak. Berhati2lah jangan sampai gara-gara subdiv ini, scene anda jadi tidak bisa ter-render. Nilai kisaran 12 sampai 32 saya rasa udah cukup, lebih dari 32 bukan berarti perfect. Atur sesuai yang anda kira itu adalah terbaik.

6. klik render, dan akan terlihat hasil seperti yang ada pada gambar. Tidak mutlak sama, tapi kira2 seperti inilai proses saya membuat cove light pada vray sketchup.

Sumber om Ferry Sugianto

Minggu, 03 Juni 2012

.vismat Material Collection For Vray SketchUp

.vismat Material Collection
The .vismat Material Collection contains 140 high quality .vismat materials for use with VRay for SketchUp and VRay for Rhino, most of which are new and not included in the standard 'Sample Materials' distribution.
Liquid Sample
.vismat Material Collection - Liquid Sample
.vismat Material Collection - Liquid Sample
Car Paint Sample
.vismat Material Collection - Car Paint Sample
.vismat Material Collection - Car Paint Sample
A wide range of material types are included such as the following:
  • Architecture
  • Car Paint
  • Cloth
  • Emissive
  • Glass
  • Leather
  • Liquid
  • Marble
  • Metal
  • Misc
  • Plastic
  • Porcelain
  • Rubber
  • Stone
  • Wax
  • Wood
Wood Sample
.vismat Material Collection - Wood Sample

.vismat Material Collection - Wood Sample
Glass Sample
.vismat Material Collection - Glass Sample
.vismat Material Collection - Glass Sample 

File Size 37.07 Mb

Fur Plugin Sketchup

The Fur plugin created by user Tak2hata on SketchUcation.com is a simple plugin to create blades of grass or fur in a model. Most SketchUp users will probably use this to create grass and other greenery. But I am sure there are those exceptions that will have the need to model a guerrilla, they will truly have the most fun with this one.
The plugin allows you to create a lot of “fur” on a face at predetermined heights thickness density and so on. The settings menu can be a little daunting and does take a little time to figure out. But once you understand how these settings are used the outcome is pretty outstanding! The plugin allows you to create leaves, blades of grass, and general greenery. While picking a face, make sure that they are oriented upwards so the fur appears on the correct side of the face.



Sabtu, 02 Juni 2012

10 Free HDRi Spherical Skies Maps

Seems like July is release month! Viz-People released today free non-commercial version of VizPeople HDRI v1. It contains 10 half-sized resolution spherical environmental maps of the original commercial pack. These are full 360 HDRI skydomes that you can use to light up your scenes. Give them a try!

You all probably know VizPeople before from their cut out people libraries. Below you can see the catalog of their first HDRI collection. The free maps you can download here are 6000px X 2900px and are for non-commercial use only. The full 12000px X 5800px size commercial maps can be purchased directly using the link at the bottom of this post. File Size 411,05 MB

Sumber http://www.ronenbekerman.com/

Free Visopt For Vray SketchUp

Buat rekan-rekan yang menggunakan render engine vray for sketchup, saya coba sharing bbrp settingan file visopt, beberapa dah saya coba pake settingannya...terutama yang exterior dan hasilnya lumayan untuk settingan material defaultnya...hehe... dicoba aja ......

Free IES Light For Vray SketcUp

Free IES for Vray SketchUp